we go for sustainability!
As you might know, we go for sustainable and local solutions for local problems. Our community is extremely valuable and personal contact herein is essential. We bring solutions together and brainstorm with each other in order to achieve a circular world. We have been doing this for 30+ years and are therefore the leader in this industry. Together for a better world!
circular together
We experience the world around us through a different lens. Where others see problems and waste, we look for solutions and see a valuable raw material. Sustainability is what connects us. For example, we found a new sustainable and circular solution where plastic household waste forms the basis for all the beautiful things we create and manufacture together.
We enjoy working with innovative, creative and resourceful contractors, municipalities, artists and architects. People who think outside the box and dare to create a new reality. The pioneers of this new world! Together we make the difference!
idea? everything is possible!
Recycled plastic is the raw material of the future. The question is not what we can make, but what we want to make! Everything is possible! That is why we work together with anyone who has new ideas for old plastic. Do you have an idea? Let us know. Together we are building a world where plastic is fantastic.
our community
The Save Plastics Community – (including Plastic Fantastic and Save Living) is full of pioneers, do-gooders, environmental heroes and many more innovative talent. Some heroic, others brilliantly shy. Some flirt in a colorful way with the new way of creating and living together. Some are super focused on continuity and sustainability. Where one takes its first steps, others take a break after years of travel. Our community doesn’t fit into a box, we create our own reality!
Despite the many different faces in our community, we are building a joint future together! We share the same values and innovative mindset, which ensures mutual inspiration and co-creation. We are conscious in our decisions and entrepreneurial activities. Together we breathe life into the Save Plastics values and mission – creating a close community of thinkers, feelers, doers, and innovators who lay the foundations for a bright future.
Are you already part of our community? #we_save
Become part of our innovative and fast growing community and find the solutions you are looking for!
We work together with many great partners. For example, we made the municipality of Almere greener, we built shoring and decking in Giethoorn and we built a demo house from waste plastic at the Floriade. (more projects…) With the innovative potential of our partners and Save Plastics, we are making what was once ‘just an idea’ reality. We believe in our partners and value their expertise and potential. Collaboration, pioneering and development are the key for us to realize the most fantastic projects with the greatest pleasure.
Build with us! #we_save
We enjoy collaborating with inspiring talent, resourceful entrepreneurs, contractors and passionate people. Because as we see it, 1 + 1 = 3. It is by working together that we can build bridges in an innovative and constructive way that benefits everyone. Together we make the world more aware and keep it green.
collaborate with training institutes
We work closely with local training institutes, both in the Netherlands and in the other countries where we have plastic factories. For example, people with a distance to the job market are trained to become fully-fledged employees of Save Plastics. We also think it is important to teach today’s youth about the reuse of plastic and we show with our ‘plastic lab’ what is possible now and in the future. Our education program is currently being rolled out in North West Europe, and we are working together on a transparent waste-free future.
…with businesses
Anyone in the Netherlands who knows that hardwood is not the most sustainable solution for bridges and fencing, etc. knows where to find us. Together with great partners in infra construction, we have already realized many projects with a sustainable character. Nowadays, architects and project developers also know where to find us, and we even make creative expressions of recycled plastic with artists. We love seeing what is possible when we work together.
…with government
Not so long ago, we started our first green plastic factory in Almere, and together we made many products for the outdoor area, which give the city a green and conscious character. We are now working with dozens of municipalities to make their municipality greener and more aware. In addition, we like to contribute to innovation at a national and international level, and we are closely involved in the think tank of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. We see that people in the Netherlands are increasingly looking for circular and sustainable solutions, and we are happy to contribute to this.
…with charities
We work from the heart, and through Rotary Netherlands we are linked to many wonderful charities. This is how we made…. and we work together with the North Sea Foundation every year during the National Beach Cleanup; a wonderful initiative to clean the beaches.
reach out!
Inspired? Do you share our values? Can we help you find a solution for your challenge? Let us know, we find a local sustainable solution for everything.
reach out!
Inspired? Do you share our values? Can we help you find a solution for your challenge? Let us know, we find a local sustainable solution for everything.
Inquire about our FSC or PEFC-certified products.