What about microplastics?
The main sources of microplastics in the Netherlands are cosmetics and the use of washing machines (from clothing), paint, and tires (tire wear) (CE Delft, 2019). We are also aware of this problem and have taken measures to reduce the release of microplastics.
Since March 2023, Save Plastics has been part of a national microplastics study led by TNO in collaboration with the Municipality of Amsterdam, the province of Flevoland, and Staatsbosbeheer (State Forestry Service). The aim is to:
Map the emission of microplastics from thermoplastic composites into the environment. Determine the emission of SVHCs (Substances of Very High Concern) in microplastics. Compare the proportion of microplastics from car tires and washing machines to thermoplastic composite plastic. From the interim results, it appears that the PE/PP plastic from household plastic packaging causes the least harm and is therefore the most environmentally friendly for nature.
The only thing added to our products is a UV stabilizer. For black color, this is carbon black, and for brown, this is iron oxide. This UV stabilizer ensures that our products do not change color and therefore do not degrade due to UV radiation.