How green, conscious and sustainable are you?

We are all part of the sustainable improvements in the world, and fortunately we see more and more green initiatives emerging around us. While we have been active for more than 35 years, we now see that we are no longer alone. More people, companies and municipalities are aware of their environmental footprint. We would like to invite you to join us in building a greener, conscious and sustainable world. How green, conscious and sustainable are you already? Let’s take a look together at where we are now and where we want to go together.

There is a major trend in the economy. Where we have spent years adding value to increasing our knowledge (the knowledge economy), we now see a shift taking place. Thanks to the internet, knowledge is available to everyone, and this growth will continue for a long time. But there is something that is becoming increasingly central and that is your contribution to sustainability and quality of life! What do you contribute, what do you leave behind and how do you experience the world in which you live – the so-called experience economy.

This also means that we are seeing a shift from consumerism to consciousness, and thankfully so. We cannot continue to use, produce and consume the earth’s resources undisturbed, without recognizing the consequences. We all make an environmental footprint – whether you are aware of it or not. The extent to which you use public transport, consciously separate your waste and what hobbies and activities you have, how often you go on holiday and so on.

Quiz: how green, conscious and sustainable are you?

We would like to take a fun quiz with you to see how green, conscious and sustainable you already are. Below you will see 10 questions, which you answer with A B C or D. After this, we will count together whether you are a green hero that we at Save Plastics would like to co-create with. 

  1. I consciously choose where I buy my fruit and vegetables
  2. I use my clothes for longer than 2 years in order to consume less.
  3. At our home we separate our waste, down to the smallest piece of paper.
  4. We regularly cycle if the weather permits and leave the car at home.
  5. I do my work consciously, and I am appreciated for the contribution I make.
  6. I regularly choose public transport to go to work/ visit/ outings
  7. I spend most of my free time walking or exercising in nature.
  8. We consciously contribute to keeping the neighborhood clean and participate in waste collection campaigns.
  9. I am aware of how much plastic I use, and recycle as much as possible.
  10. When we go on holiday, I make a conscious choice about which transport we use.

A = always B = as much as possible C = hardly D = not yet

How many times have you answered A, B or C? And how many D scores do you have?

Know that it is not important where you are now, but what you do from the moment you become aware of where you are and where you can increase your contribution.

Our contribution to a green, conscious, sustainable world

We at Save Plastics we are committed to create a sustainable world and have been taking targeted action for more than 35 years to give waste plastic a new life, make conscious choices and do business more sustainably.

What exactly do we do?

We save… [1] kilo of plastic from the incinerator every year. While normally 60% of the collected plastic went into the incinerator, we put this raw material into use in the green plastic factory – Almere to make new products. This also ensures a huge reduction in CO2 emissions. You can imagine what a difference that makes for the environment.

We see plastic as a valuable raw material from which we make sustainable products. Residual plastic (the plastic that remains after, for example, PET bottles, etc., have been recycled) is no longer worthless, but is turned into a usable and sustainable product.

At Save Plastics we are also working to increase awareness of plastics, and are creating our own teaching packages for schools. We also work on this awareness in the business community and are market leader[2] in sustainable solutions for local problems, and since 2021 [year[3] ] we have had the first green plastic factory in the Netherlands.

In addition to doing good work, consciously, green and sustainable, we are also aware that there are differences in opportunities on the labor market that we would like to pay attention to. In the green factory we work with employees who are at a greater distance from the labor market, and we give them the opportunity to contribute to the production process of new products made from used plastic. This way everyone has their own place in our eco-system and contributes to a better world.

We have shown that by taking not just awareness and knowledge, but real action, you can make a big difference at a local and global level.

“Did you know that… 1 plastic packaging of fruit and vegetables when burned is no less than… Co2 emissions. And that when you separate your plastic waste, this packaging ends up with us and we turn it into sustainable products?”

What can you contribute?

Together we go for a green, conscious and sustainable world, that is our motto. We can’t bring about real global change alone, we do it together!

We would therefore like to hear what other green heroes there are, and which plastic-related initiatives fit in well with us. This can be done on both a large and small scale. Whether it concerns a collection campaign in the neighborhood or at schools, or the construction of scaffolding and ramps made of recycled plastic in your municipality. Every link of our eco-system is important for the success of a circular world – where everything we use is given a new life.

Are you or do you know entrepreneurs with a green heart, or municipalities that really do consciously and greenly, then make sure we get in touch with each other. Via the link #we_save you can see who we have already worked with in recent years.


follow us on social media[4] and let us know what you contribute to a conscious and greener world. Tag us in your post with #we_save.

Thank you for your green deeds!

Stronger together for a green conscious and sustainable world.