Green bicycle shed Silvolde

Green bicycle shed Silvolde

Fortunate to work with nature again 😀 It has been nagging me for a while to look for more of a combination with green and gray. After all, working with greenery is what I studied for; Forestry and nature technology. I have now found that in abundance in our new...
Local for Local

Local for Local

It is nice to see that as a leader in the circular economy we inspire others to make a real contribution. Last Friday Erik Haverkort visited save plastics for the second time to work together on the local for local project in the field of plastic waste.  This was...
Save cabin recreation project is a succes

Save cabin recreation project is a succes

Geversduin is the first holiday park in the Netherlands with 100% recycled plastic cabins. With one hundred enthusiastic and environmentally conscious volunteers, we cleared the beach of plastic and residual waste during the major Beach Clean-up in Castricum. That...